Thursday 18 March 2010

Happy Feast of S. Joseph

Since first Vespers have been said already, it's time to wish everybody a Happy Feast of S. Joseph. May the Foster-father of Christ, the Terror of Daemons, be your protection. May the Light of Patriarchs bring to you the light of Holy Wisdom, and may the most chaste spouse of the Blessed and Glorious Ever-virgin Mary be your intercessor in heaven before the throne of the Almighty.

Ite ad Joseph! Go to Joseph, because he is always awaiting your prayers and petitions. Just as Christ never failed in obeying his earthly father, so in heaven too he cannot but grant the requests made by Joseph on your behalf.

Sancte Joseph, Ora Pro Nobis!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Name Day, Joseph! God grant you many years.
