Sunday 21 December 2008

Advent III - Gaudete Sunday

The Gospel

I've just come across some photographs from Gaudete sunday and thought I'd best share them straight away. They were taken from the organ loft by a visiting singer, and I thank him for kindly letting me post them here. They are not of the best quality, which is a result of the poor lighting from that angle and the billowing clouds of incense which regularly choke the poor choir.


I ought to explain that we don't have a rose High Mass set to be worn, although the chasuble is decent. That is why the Celebrant, Fr. Aidan Harker is wearing pink, whilst the Deacon (Fr. Warner) and the Subdeacon (me) are wearing some very fetching purple vestments.

The canon

Elevation of the Chalice

From the organ loft you can really appreciate what Travers was going for with that extra height on the reredos and the Rood on the top. It sort of reminds me of some Belgian churches, although I've never seen anything anywhere that reminds me of S. Magnus.

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