
Monday, 13 June 2011

Pentecost Vigil III - Photos!

Dear readers, it's time to share with you the primary commodity of this, my humble from S. Magnus! For a full description of the ceremonies of this ancient vigil service, see the post below. Many thanks to everyone who everyone who served and attended the Vigil. Next year we can expect it to be celebrated earlier in the day and with greater pomp. In the picture above you can see the Celebrant reading the first Prophecy which is being chanted by a Reader at an ambo.

The altar party process to the font, led by the Paschal Candle

The Celebrant blesses the Baptismal waters, dipping the candle thrice.

After the blessing of the font, the Litanies are sung in procession back to the sanctuary, where the ministers remove their violet vestments and prostrate themselves before the altar.

Towards the end of the Litany, the ministers go to the Sacristy and vest in Red for the Mass. The violet frontal is removed from the altar to reveal the red frontal, the altar is prepared for Mass and the candles are lit. Here the ministers recite the psalm Judica me while the MC lights a troublesome candle.

Mass of this Vigil is similar to Holy Saturday - there is no Introit (the one in the Missal is only for private Masses on this day), hand bells are rung during the Gloria, and the acolytes don't hold candles at the Gospel. Above you can see the Last Gospel read by the Celebrant at the end of Mass.


  1. It's nice to see these photos of this. Could you tell us about the use of the umbrellino? Thanks.

  2. Adam,

    I wondered what you meant for a minute there! The Ombrellino is not part of the procession, but is merely stored at the back of the Church over a pew! It just juts out slightly into the processional route.

    It attracts a lot of attention from tourists, and one Spaniard did ask if this is how Anglican basilicas identify themselves!

  3. Thank you! For how long approximately did the whole thing run?

  4. It ran for one hour and a half:

    1.The Prophecies are the shorter ones of the 12 from the Paschal Vigil.
    2.Baptism was not administered at the font.
    3.The Mass was sung to Lux et Origo
    4.No sermon.

  5. Ex Fide,

    Thank you. It is deeply humbling for a 'patrimonial' Roman to behold so-called 'separated' brethren keep Roman traditions better than most Romans do.
